Monday, January 24, 2011


This is a story about how Tommy, George, and Harry's day usually goes.  

     Lets start with Tommy.  He gets up, takes a shower, gets dressed, and goes downstairs to have breakfast.  After breakfast I tell him to take his dishes up to the sink.  He then ignores me, and goes away to play.  A short time later, I tell him to clean the living room.  If i am very lucky, he will pick up a few toys or something, and then lay down and make funny faces at the ceiling.  Then it's time for school.  He wants to come into the classroom and make a mess, but all the computers are being used.  So instead he sits in the living room and terrorizes mike until someone is forced to pick him up.  At witch point, Tommy will probably run upstairs so I can't tell him to clean the living room that he has recently made even worse.  While he's upstairs, he decides to use the bathroom.  
  He goes in, not even bothering to close the door(or turn on the fan), and does his stuff.  I'm not gonna specify what stuff is.  When hes done, he will either use a ton of toilet paper, or none at all.  

On to George.  In the morning, it is usually very hard to wake him.  He is either really tired and actually sleeping, or pretending to sleep so he doesn't have to get up.  When we do manage to wake him,  He goes to the shower.  He stands right in the middle of the water and doesn't move.  Sometime I wonder if he's fallen asleep again.  Once he is out of the shower, he complains that  he does not have the largest towel.  After that, he lays on the floor  in his room and doesn't come downstairs until we call for him.  Five or six times.  
        George is smarter than Tommy.  When chore time comes, he willingly goes along, and pretends to do work.  He'll walk back and forth with the same toy, and to us it looks like he is working very hard.  When we do catch him, he pretends to be hurt, or in a coma.  When lunch time comes around, he appears seemingly out of nowhere, eats his lunch, and before I can tell him to get back to his work, he's gone.  The only way you can really locate him is by listening to the extremely loud arguments they get into.

Tomorrow I will write about harry.

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