Friday, January 28, 2011

My story: part four: David

Now for me.  This story may not be ENTIRELY true, because I wouldn't ever say anything wrong about myself.
Every morning I wake up at six thirty, take a shower, get dressed, and go downstairs.  My job every morning is to clean the counters and sweep the floor.  I do it perfectly every day.  Once I have finished that, I usually have breakfast, but lately I have been starting my schoolwork early so I have more free time.  So I will have breakfast a little late.  After breakfast it is chore time, lets say it's Friday, so the chore is cleaning the downstairs.  which includes kitchen, dining room, living room, and entry way.  I will tell Tommy and George to help, but as usual they just ignore me.  So me and harry end up doing all of the work.  After chore I go and finish the rest of my schoolwork.  Once I'm done with that, and if it's not to cold, I will go outside for a while.

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