Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My story: Mikeys revenge part one

Now for Mikey.  In the morning, he wakes up(waking everyone else up in the process)and we take him downstairs.  Usually I will make him oatmeal.  Depending on his mood, he will either eat it or throw it on the floor.  Or in my face.  After that he sits there for maybe a half hour, doing his weird scream thing until someone lets him out.  His scream is kind of creepy.  Once we let him out, we will usually get him dressed and put him in the playpen.  After that he does his scream thing until we let him out of there to.  When we do let him out, though, he usually runs straight for the bathroom.  I'm not quite sure why, but he really likes the bathroom.

1 comment:

  1. This story made me laugh. You should record that creepy scream and post on FB. LOL
