Monday, January 31, 2011

david's story continued

Once I get back inside, I have to make lunch.  And lunch is usually chicken nuggets, macaroni, or sandwiches.  After lunch, I will try and fail again to get Tommy and George to do something helpful.  Of course nobody but me (and sometimes harry) takes their dishes up.  So I have to do it.  The rest of the day is spent with George and Tommy "doing their schoolwork" When they are really just messing up the classroom.  At dinner time We tell George to clean off the table, and sometimes he does.

Friday, January 28, 2011

My story: part four: David

Now for me.  This story may not be ENTIRELY true, because I wouldn't ever say anything wrong about myself.
Every morning I wake up at six thirty, take a shower, get dressed, and go downstairs.  My job every morning is to clean the counters and sweep the floor.  I do it perfectly every day.  Once I have finished that, I usually have breakfast, but lately I have been starting my schoolwork early so I have more free time.  So I will have breakfast a little late.  After breakfast it is chore time, lets say it's Friday, so the chore is cleaning the downstairs.  which includes kitchen, dining room, living room, and entry way.  I will tell Tommy and George to help, but as usual they just ignore me.  So me and harry end up doing all of the work.  After chore I go and finish the rest of my schoolwork.  Once I'm done with that, and if it's not to cold, I will go outside for a while.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

My story: Mikeys revenge part two

We left off with mike playing in the bathroom.  When we catch him doing something wrong, we put him in the playpen, where he then screams "MOMMBY, MOMMBY!!"  over and over again.  When we let him out again,
it's usually to swaddle him up and get him to sleep.  He will do his scream for a few minuets but if i'm lucky he will settle down and go to sleep.  He is usually quite grumpy when he wakes up.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My story: Mikeys revenge part one

Now for Mikey.  In the morning, he wakes up(waking everyone else up in the process)and we take him downstairs.  Usually I will make him oatmeal.  Depending on his mood, he will either eat it or throw it on the floor.  Or in my face.  After that he sits there for maybe a half hour, doing his weird scream thing until someone lets him out.  His scream is kind of creepy.  Once we let him out, we will usually get him dressed and put him in the playpen.  After that he does his scream thing until we let him out of there to.  When we do let him out, though, he usually runs straight for the bathroom.  I'm not quite sure why, but he really likes the bathroom.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Continuation of story: Harry

Now for Harry.  Harry is good at getting up at time and starting his chores.  After the shower, he goes downstairs, Doesn't wash his hands and starts unloading what was going to be our clean dishes.  After that, he eats breakfast, usually finishes chore, sometimes on time, and starts his schoolwork.  I will be sitting next to him, and he will be doing stuff like looking up pictures of fat Yoda.  This really happened.  He also likes searching himself on the computer, and then he distracts me with all of the Harry's there are.  Right now, I am sitting here typing and he i reading a joke book.  Hopefully he will finish his schoolwork someday.


The star trek game we got from ebay is going to get here Thursday or Friday.  But I will still be disappointed when it doesn't get here today.  I don't really have anything else to say.

Monday, January 24, 2011


This is a story about how Tommy, George, and Harry's day usually goes.  

     Lets start with Tommy.  He gets up, takes a shower, gets dressed, and goes downstairs to have breakfast.  After breakfast I tell him to take his dishes up to the sink.  He then ignores me, and goes away to play.  A short time later, I tell him to clean the living room.  If i am very lucky, he will pick up a few toys or something, and then lay down and make funny faces at the ceiling.  Then it's time for school.  He wants to come into the classroom and make a mess, but all the computers are being used.  So instead he sits in the living room and terrorizes mike until someone is forced to pick him up.  At witch point, Tommy will probably run upstairs so I can't tell him to clean the living room that he has recently made even worse.  While he's upstairs, he decides to use the bathroom.  
  He goes in, not even bothering to close the door(or turn on the fan), and does his stuff.  I'm not gonna specify what stuff is.  When hes done, he will either use a ton of toilet paper, or none at all.  

On to George.  In the morning, it is usually very hard to wake him.  He is either really tired and actually sleeping, or pretending to sleep so he doesn't have to get up.  When we do manage to wake him,  He goes to the shower.  He stands right in the middle of the water and doesn't move.  Sometime I wonder if he's fallen asleep again.  Once he is out of the shower, he complains that  he does not have the largest towel.  After that, he lays on the floor  in his room and doesn't come downstairs until we call for him.  Five or six times.  
        George is smarter than Tommy.  When chore time comes, he willingly goes along, and pretends to do work.  He'll walk back and forth with the same toy, and to us it looks like he is working very hard.  When we do catch him, he pretends to be hurt, or in a coma.  When lunch time comes around, he appears seemingly out of nowhere, eats his lunch, and before I can tell him to get back to his work, he's gone.  The only way you can really locate him is by listening to the extremely loud arguments they get into.

Tomorrow I will write about harry.


Yesterday we had Olya over for a while.  She, Tommy, and george were outside digging for golden rocks.  They also reset my alarm clock to 20 min early and turned the volume all the way up.  Yesterday me and harry got the star trek game we wanted.  It's called "star trek legacy."  (We got it on ebay so it's gonna take a while to get here.)  Here are some screenshots

Friday, January 21, 2011


Last night mike hardly got any sleep at all.  He's really annoying.  I can't see how he's not tired right now.  Yesterday was the last day of testing, and today we have to do full schoolwork again.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Today was our last day of testing.  Which is kind of disappointing, because the tests only took a half an hour to 45 min.  And we didn't have to do any of our other schoolwork.  Me and harry want to get a game called ''Star Trek Online.''

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Today we had to take some kind of test for something.  I want to buy the new psp that is rumored to be coming out next fall.  This one will possibly have a touch screen, two joystick things,(unlike mine witch has one)and an HD screen.  I also read somewhere that blogger only allows 25 comments at a time, so I deleted the comments, and you can try commenting again.
here is what it might look like

here is what i have now

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Today for social studies i am researching the biggest bomb ever made.  It is called the tsar bomb.  It is was hydrogen bomb that weighed 27 tons. developed by the soviet union, and the original design would have created an explosion equal to 100 megatons of TNT.  Or 100,000,000 tons of TNT.  It was later scaled down to 50 megatons.  This is equivalent to 1400 times the combined power of both the nuclear bombs used in WWII.  It is also equivalent to ten times all the explosives used in WWII.  When they tested it, the explosion could be seen from 620 miles away.  The mushroom cloud was nearly forty miles high, almost seven times the height of mount Everest.  The heat from the explosion could have caused third degree burns 60 miles away.  Window panes were partially broken at a distance of 560 miles from ground zero.  The seismic shock created by the explosion could be measured on its third trip around the earth.

 Since 50 Mt is 2.1×1017 joules, the average power produced during the entire fission-fusion process, lasting around 39 nanoseconds[citation needed], was about 5.4×1024 watts or 5.4 yottawatts (5.4 septillion watts). This is equivalent to approximately 1.4% of the power output of the Sun.[8]

I didn't really know how to say that in my own words, so i copied and pasted it.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


It is snowing here, and we've gotten maybe an inch.  We were supposed to have maybe 5 to 10 inches by now. A little disappointing.  Yesterday I finally got all of the Christmas thank you cards out.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


It is supposed to snow really hard tomorrow.  We are supposed to get maybe three feet of snow.  Today or tomorrow I am going to modify my snow house so the entrance is more like a tunnel.  (Right now its just a hole in the side of the house, and it lets all the wind in.)

Monday, January 10, 2011


Today is Monday, and the weekend went way too fast.  It is supposed to snow really hard in two days.  We don't really have any snow right now, its more like ice.

Friday, January 7, 2011


Today it is really foggy.  I am exited for today to be over so I can sleep in tomorrow.  I don't really have anything else to say.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Today, my eyes are really itchy.  I must be allergic to something.  I am hoping to go to the library sometime soon.  It is 81 days until harry's birthday.  Yesterday I got a 787 for the flight simulator.  It flies really smooth and fast.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Today is the end of winter break.  It is very miserable.  I wish today was yesterday.  For Christmas I got a throwing knife, an airsoft pistol, a nice sweater and jacket, some books, candy, a game, some clothes, and other things.  I am also planning on getting the game "Iron man 2" for my psp.