Monday, November 1, 2010

Today I have to write another story.  Me and Tommy are making this story together.  One day George the monkey did a bad thing and he didn't like any body, not even the marshes.  And then he lust like did and he stealed some food from people like bananas and apples.  And he stealed all the food in the world.  He put them in the volcano and no one knows where that volcano is.  And then George just did like took everybodys money away quarters dimes and Penny's then he put them all into the volcano.   Then George the monkey made a very giant stink as big as the whole world.  Then we caught George the monkey in a cage.  But he had a very huge hammer that he used to break out of the cage and then he hid in the volcano.  And then he smashes all the computers in the whole world.

    Now George jumped in the volcano and he had a hose and washed all the fire. Or lava.  And then he destroyed all the cars in the whole world.  And when we have food he smashes it and the plates.  And then he smashed all the chairs in the whole world so people couldn't sit down.  Then he jumps up on top of a very tall tree.  So all of him him he like just smashes stuff.  He learned how to write his name and it was just scribbles. If we have a map he just tears it apart.  And then george the very stinky monkey got a car.  And he drove to fred meyer and crashed into it.  And then he got a jet and he drops bombs on all the stores in the whole world.  And he flies onto the moon and he found some ailiens but he doesn't have anything to shoot them.

      When he got back to earth he did some bad stuff and just like burned some ailiens.
                               the end

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