Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hi I'm David.  I'm fourteen and I am in ninth grade.  On this blog I will talk about assignments I have to do or have done and whatever else I've done in the past week.  Today one of my assignments  is to write something on my blog.  Tonight we have a homeschool group potluck to go to,and tomorrow night we have movie night at a freind's house.

Last Saturday we were in the parade for MOPS.
  About a week ago we went grouse hunting at quartz Mountain.  Two weeks ago we went to the moses' lake water park.  Yesterday we went lawn mowing.(every tuesday we mow the lawns at our rental houses)  last monday we went hiking at umtanum falls.  We ran into a rattle snake (no one was bitten) and I found fresh water clams in the yakima river.

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