Thursday, September 30, 2010


Today I am staying here and watching my little brothers while my mom and her Friend are going to Yakima.  Last night we watched iron man 2(I really liked it.)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


life cycle of a sockeye salmon
Today we went to the salmon hatchery in Salmon la sac. The salmon swim all the way up from the ocean(sometimes the get a truck ride if there is no way for them to get here). We saw a bunch of dead fish floating downriver ,and harry even poked one with his stick.  After that we went up to a lake (I can't remember what it was called.)  Then we went to get some apples to make applesauce ,apple butter ,and apple pie filling.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Today we are going hiking and tomorrow we are going lawn mowing.  Today I have been assigned to blog about something in the newspaper.  I am going to write about the windmill.

From the September 25, 2010 Daily Record I read "Opinions differ widely" about Kittitas valley wind farms.

Some people are happy about the windmills and some people aren't.  One lady named Joan Neslund says that she is a fan of the windmills.  She says that they send a positive message to people coming through Ellensburg . She says "People see the wind farms, the green parks, and the solar project and must think Ellensburg is a great place."   Another lady named Teri Bentz doesn't like the windmills at all. She lives north of Ellensburg. Though she can see them driving to and from her house, she can't see the windmills from her house.  She says that there must have been a better place to put them, and she also says that she gets angry when she sees them (a little whiny if you ask me.)

I am studying about early Ellensburg.  A century ago coal was the main energy source in Ellensburg.  Coal was dirty, it polluted the atmosphere, it was dangerous to get, it wasn't nearly as efficient as a windmill.  The windmills show how far we have come from using coal for everything.

Photo taken of Roslyn coal mine explosion.  ca. 1909

Wild horse wind farm, Kittitas valley, current day.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Today I have to do my math (already done),and I have to do some science stuff.  Tomorrow we get to sleep in:)    Tomorrow night we are hoping to have our friend over for a sleepover.  Our new laptop is supposed to get here today.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Today I got my science kit that has a bunch of stuff that I get to build like a solar powered fan and a mini house(I am going to build a solar powered house:) Today we had to do laundry:(and the last few days we have been sick with something,but we are getting better now:)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Yesterday we went lawn mowing and I earned eighteen dollars.We also got a new game for our wii called Cabella's big game hunter.Today I did my math,some social studies(fort Vancouver) ,cleaned my room and played the wii.Tomorrow we have pretty much the same thing to do accept instead of cleaning our rooms we have to do laundry:( On Friday we hopefully get to go to movie night (there was none last week).

Monday, September 20, 2010


Today we(me and harry)had to clean our bathrooms and get up at six thirty:(  Yesterday we had some really strange weather,it rained really hard for about fifteen minuets(hard enough to fill our driveway up with water and turn it into a giant mud puddle )  and then it stopped and got sunny again,but we still had thunder and lightning for the next hour.Tomorrow we are going lawn mowing,and we are hoping to play the wii some today.

       Last Saturday we canned pears,we had to peel them,(I sliced up my fingers in the process)cut them in half, take out the cores,boil them ,put them in a jar, and then boil the jars in a big pot.  After that , we got three big shelves for food storage.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Yesterday we went to Yakima and finally got a wii.Tonight we have movie night ,and tomorrow is Saturday.We are going to go to the harvest festival at suncadia ( it has a bounce house and a fake bull and a wagon pulled by horses.)  For the wii ,we got wii sports,wii sports resort,and we got a ace combat game that is very similar to my psp game.      

    On my psp gameI have unlocked another plane called the F17 Nighthawk.

F17 Nighthawk                                        

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Yesterday I went lawn mowing, and I earned twelve dollars (three dollars an hour for four hours.)  We almost have enough to get a wii.  Today I have to clean my room, and I have a dentists appointment this afternoon.  On my new psp game I have unlocked four new planes ,the F-22, the ZERO,the A-10 warthog, and the MIG 31.  I have about half of the planes (there are forty.)

                                                A-10 Warthog

                                                        F-22 Raptor                                

                                                           MIG 31 Foxhound


Monday, September 13, 2010


Tonight I have a dentists appointment to go to,and tomorrow we are going lawn mowing.We want to get a wii and we have almost two hundred dollars in savings.We need about two hundred and twenty.

Last week I got a new psp game in the mail that I ordered two weeks ago and it was coming from Seattle.  The game is called ace combat joint assault.It just came out on the 31st. In it I get to fly jets around and I think I'm about a quarter of the way through.:)

Friday, September 10, 2010


Today I went to MOPS(mothers of preschoolers) to help out with watching kids.  After that we went to MCdonalds for lunch.  After that we came home and I wrote this.  Tonight we have movie night to go to.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hi I'm David.  I'm fourteen and I am in ninth grade.  On this blog I will talk about assignments I have to do or have done and whatever else I've done in the past week.  Today one of my assignments  is to write something on my blog.  Tonight we have a homeschool group potluck to go to,and tomorrow night we have movie night at a freind's house.

Last Saturday we were in the parade for MOPS.
  About a week ago we went grouse hunting at quartz Mountain.  Two weeks ago we went to the moses' lake water park.  Yesterday we went lawn mowing.(every tuesday we mow the lawns at our rental houses)  last monday we went hiking at umtanum falls.  We ran into a rattle snake (no one was bitten) and I found fresh water clams in the yakima river.