Thursday, October 21, 2010


Today I have been assigned to write a story.  About a week ago we got a kitten named Mr scratches.  Since then he has been really cute and cuddly (and scratchy)and he is usually allowed inside as long as somebody is with him.  We have five cats,mouser,Joe,Felix,choncho(pig,and it's true),and the new one,Mr scratches.  They all live outside because we don't want them to pee on our clothes.  Well,they must have gotten tired of living outside because one morning I woke up in the hay shelter where the cats usually sleep,and it was really cold.

       So I got up and went to the front door,but it was locked.  So I looked in the window but all I saw was a bunch of opened cans of tuna on the floor.And our dog ruby licking it up.  I checked the side door and I checked the backdoor.  But they were both locked.  So I got one of the ladders from next to the shop and Set it up next to Harry's bedroom window(it doesn't have a screen.)  I managed to open it up and crawl inside without falling. I immediately noticed a strange vibration going through the house and it was very hot beacause someone must have turned the heater on.  I silently crept downstairs and into the kitchen,where I saw all five cats purring and licking tuna off the floor.  Of course once I got inside they couldn't stop me from putting them all back outside.  Mr scratches tried to give me a cute look to get out of it,but it didn't work,only almost.  Once they were all back outside,I got the floor cleaned up and threw away all the tuna cans.  And that night I locked the doors.  And windows.

                                                                     The End

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