Friday, October 29, 2010


Today is Friday and there is no movie night  tonight because there is a moms night instead.  I haven't posted any pictures of our pumpkins yet because I haven't managed to get a hold of the camera,but I will probably have them on here by the end of today.  looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Today was laundry day:(we finished that and now we are doing our schoolwork.  later today we are going to carve our pumpkins and I will be posting some pictures of that later.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Today was room cleaning day and I already finished.  Later today we have A thing to go to at mountain view park.  Yesterday we got a new nunchuck for our wii and today we are going to use it to play multiplayer once we have finished our schoolwork.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Today there is no chore because it is usually lawn mowing day.  So I get to go straight to my school work and get that finished early.  After that I am going to clean up the downstairs so I can play the wii.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Today is bathroom cleaning day,but we already finished them.  Lawn mowing season is over so I'm not sure what we are going to do tomorrow.  Wednesday is some kind of Halloween party at mountain view park for our home school group.  Yesterday we got our pumpkins and we might carve them today.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Today is downstairs cleaning day:(and we have to steam mop the floor). I don't think we are going to movie night tonight.  Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Today I have been assigned to write a story.  About a week ago we got a kitten named Mr scratches.  Since then he has been really cute and cuddly (and scratchy)and he is usually allowed inside as long as somebody is with him.  We have five cats,mouser,Joe,Felix,choncho(pig,and it's true),and the new one,Mr scratches.  They all live outside because we don't want them to pee on our clothes.  Well,they must have gotten tired of living outside because one morning I woke up in the hay shelter where the cats usually sleep,and it was really cold.

       So I got up and went to the front door,but it was locked.  So I looked in the window but all I saw was a bunch of opened cans of tuna on the floor.And our dog ruby licking it up.  I checked the side door and I checked the backdoor.  But they were both locked.  So I got one of the ladders from next to the shop and Set it up next to Harry's bedroom window(it doesn't have a screen.)  I managed to open it up and crawl inside without falling. I immediately noticed a strange vibration going through the house and it was very hot beacause someone must have turned the heater on.  I silently crept downstairs and into the kitchen,where I saw all five cats purring and licking tuna off the floor.  Of course once I got inside they couldn't stop me from putting them all back outside.  Mr scratches tried to give me a cute look to get out of it,but it didn't work,only almost.  Once they were all back outside,I got the floor cleaned up and threw away all the tuna cans.  And that night I locked the doors.  And windows.

                                                                     The End


Yesterday we blew out the sprinkler lines(we had about twenty lawns to do)and I earned eighteen dollars(three dollars an hour for six hours.  Today is laundry day(already done:),and we have our regular schoolwork to do.  Tomorrow is Friday and I'm not sure if we are going to movie night or not.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Yesterday my grandma came out for a visit from Vancouver and gave me a new wii game for a birthday present.    Tomorrow we are going to blow out our rental houses sprinkler lines.  Today was room cleaning day and we had to clean out our dresser drawers:(

Friday, October 15, 2010


Today I have to blog about something in my readers digest.  It is called 50 secrets your pilot won't tell you.
  One pilot said that he was constantly under pressure to carry less fuel than he is comfortable with .  "sometimes if you carry just enough fuel and you hit thunder storms or delays then suddenly you are running out of gas and have to go to an alternate airport.  Another pilot say "sometimes they won't even give us lunch breaks or even time to eat . we have to delay flights just so we can get food."

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Today me and Tommy got our chore done really quickly so we could do our schoolwork and play the wii early (harry and George are going really slow.)  Tonight Tommy and George have kids club (every Thursday they go to kids club at the church.)  this weekend we have harvest festival to go to at suncadia.  Next Monday my grandma is coming from Vancouver to visit.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Today we were going to go blow out our sprinklers at our rental houses,but we  reserved the air compressor for the wrong day (next week instead of this week.)  Today I also got my hair cut.  Yesterday we got a new game for our wii called star wars the force unleashed.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Today I am watching  my little brothers.  Tonight we hopefully have movie night ,and tommorow night we want to have our freind over for a sleepover(it has'nt worked out for the last two weeks.)

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Today I have to blog about something in the news paper.  Seattle times ,Sunday October 3,2010.   Bombardier is building a challenger to Boeing's 737.  In Belfast ,northern Ireland ,they are building the carbon fiber composite wings for the new c-series jet .  It a single isle ,two engine plane that is 124 feet long ,has a wingspan of 115 feet ,can hold 145 passengers ,and has a range of 3,395 miles.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Today we did alot of cleaning and schoolwork(it's been a pretty boring day.)  Tomorrow we have some more stuff to do ,but I don't know what it is.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Today we were going to go lawn mowing ,but its probably going to be too cold.  Tomorrow we have some kind of field trip that we might be going to ,but I can't remember where it is.  I am building a glider from my science kit ,and it is turning out to be alot bigger than I thought it was going to be.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Yesterday we canned apples,and we got an apple peeler so I didn't get my hands all sliced up(it peels ,slices ,and cores the apples all at once.)  We also made plum jam and canned plums.  This  weekend I made myself a suit of armor out of cardboard and I sword fight with my brothers.  Tomorrow we are going lawn mowing,and the Monday after next Monday my grandma is coming out to visit.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Yesterday I built the wing of the glider that came in my science kit(it took me three hours.)  today we hopefully get to go to movie night, and tomorrow we are hoping to have our friend over for a sleepover.