Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Today I am blogging about a criminal that was caught here at the sears store by our friend , and the owner of the sears store, Andy Patry.  Last Tuesday he sold a man a 45 in flat screen TV and a dvd player.  The customer loaded up $644 worth of merchandise.  "He just acted a little suspicious," he said.  The car, with no licence plates, didn't look right.  The check, signed Preston Gordon, looked suspicious too, he said.  After the customer left with the TV and dvd player, Andy drove to the address on the check, and found it didn't exist.  He then called the police.  Ellensburg police officers found Donald S Speight, 34, of Philadelphia, who is wanted in new jersey, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Speight is now in kittitas county jail with charges of forgery,and possession of a stolen vehicle.  He wrote fake checks to three Ellensburg buisnesses on tuesday to steal merchandise worth $1,785.  When they pulled Speight over he said "If this is about the TV i can take it back."  The police later found out that his, or not his, SUV was stolen from a dealership in new jersey.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Today I read an article about how to create a zombie.  Whatever did it would have to partially disable the cerebellum, witch controls coordination.  The most likely thing that would do this is called a prion.  Not a virus, and not even a living thing, a prion is almost impossible to destroy.  The first prion infection(not modified to become a zombie infection) was discovered in the early 1950's, in papau new guinea, when member of a tribe were found to be afflicted with a strange tremble, and occasionally the would burst out into uncontrollable laughter.  By the early 60's, doctors had traced the source back to the tribe's canibalistic funeral practices, witch included brain eating.(YUCK.) The key would be to attatch a prion to a virus, so it would spread quickly throughout the population.  20 volunteers have already been turned into zombies at the reasearch station in antarctica.  One has escaped.

PS,last 2 sentences were FAKE

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Today I am going to post some of the pictures that me and harry edit.

here's a giant snake eating a b-52
an-225 taking off from a carrier
Enterprise from Star Trek docking with the space station

submarine getting eaten by a shark

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Today I had to read another article and write about it.  I read an article about a car made completely out of hemp.  The hemp is as strong as the fiberglass in boats and very lightwieght (only 2500 pounds.)  The light weight means a fuel effeiciency increas of around 30%.  Estimated price is around $25,000.
In a completely different subject, I found a pretty neat optical illusion site, here's a link.

here's a picture


Today it is snowing again.  Today we were supposed to be camping at dusty lake.  But the weather is obviously too bad.  Lately I've been playing the combat flight simulator, and i took some screenshots to post.

Monday, February 28, 2011


Today we had to read another article.  Me and harry both read about a battle between witch mobile phone is the best.  Apple, verizon, nokia, microsoft and google are all competing.  I personally think that the droid or the windows phone are going to win.  To me the HP phone that prints is pretty useless, and i'm not very big on the iphone.  The article didn't specify who was winning.  I still think, and always will think that the new psp will squash any competition ever.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Today I had to read an article about expensive food and blog about it.  Grain and corn aren't growing as well (or at all) supposedly because of global warming.  Because of this the price of food has gone up.  42% of china's wheat crop has died because of a large dry spell.  Obviously, though, the high prices are very good for the farmers, who are expecting their income to increase by 20%.  Income for farmers in 2011 is estimated to be almost 95 billion dollars, compared to 2010's 79 billion.  I cant really think of anything else to say.