Thursday, December 16, 2010


Today it is snowing.  I can't find my snowboard because I let Tommy use it the day we got a foot of snow.  I hope I will find it soon though.  (I really want to go off our giant ramp with it.)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Today it is nine days until Christmas.  Yesterday I made my snow house a lot bigger.  It can now fit all four of us, but it's a little tight.  I also build up a small tunnel around the entrance to block the wind.  And it is actually not that cold(but a little damp.)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Yesterday we made a snow fort.  It has two houses and a few bunkers.  One of the houses is big enough for me and harry to fit in comfortably.  Once we are done with our schoolwork,we are going to go outside.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Today I am thinking about entering a screenshot contest at  (a screenshot is when you take a picture while you are playing the game,for example,on our flight simulator you press v.)

I will be posting some of mine here later

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Yesterday I downloaded a weapons pack for our flight simulator.  I'm really close to getting it to work.  It is VERY complicated.  I will probably be posting more later

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


This morning I was really tired (duh).  But more tired than usual.  I'm still sleepy.  Later I am hoping to go sledding.  On our homepage we have a countdown to 8:00 on Christmas morning.  Right now we have exactly 16 days,21 hours,39 minuets, and 5 seconds.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Today my mom and Nicole are going to Yakima.  Yesterday I downloaded the Apollo moon lander for the flight    
 simulator.  Harry looked at the weather and he says it is going to snow tonight.  On our sledding hill I can now stand up on my ''snowboard'' all the way down the hill.  Tommy can make it about halfway down.  I have also collected about twenty icicles.

Monday, December 6, 2010


I really wish today was Christmas.  Because I really like Christmas and I really don't like Mondays.  There is a new psp game coming out that I want to get called Split second.  It is a racing game.  I would appreciate it if everybody reading this donated me ten dollars.   =)

Friday, December 3, 2010


Today it is really foggy again.  up near the windows on our roof their are icicles that must be at least three or four feet long.  We watched an episode of star trek Enterprise last night, but it was skipping really badly for some reason.  Really annoying.  Tomorrow night we are going to our cousins house for a late Thanksgiving dinner.  (With ham instead of turkey) =) Turkey sucks compared to ham.  And the airplane pictures are photo shopped grandma.  The snowman is doing fine.

We are not eating him

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Today it is really foggy.  Harry is playing the piano and distracting me from my schoolwork.  The snow has gotten deeper and we are going to go sledding after our schoolwork is done.  I also just had to fix something on my blog.  Someone set it to Chinese so I had to change it back to English.  Or learn Chinese.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Yesterday it snowed alot.  At least two inches.  Once I finish my schoolwork, I am going to go sledding, and tonight I am going to play the flight simulator.  For the flight simulator, I recently downloaded the c-17 cargo plane, the Antonov 500, and the Boeing 950.
Antonov 500
Boeing 950

They ARE real